Hello travellers! I believe most of you have booked tickets for vacation after a long halt in
travelling. Worry not, we can now resume to travel with our loved ones and friends. But
don’t forget to comply with the SOP and stay safe! Here are few travelling
tips that will help the hijabis to enjoy their vacation without bad hijab days.

  1. No ironing is needed
    Who doesn’t love less ironing hijab isn’t it? Well, while travelling minimal ironing outfits
    will always be a life saver as we want to minimize as much hassle as we can. Hence, bear
    in mind that a hijab with less ironing material is your travelling bestfriend!
  2. An on-the-go piece
    Time is our enemy while travelling. We will definitely want to check of as many entries
    as we can in our bucket list, we wouldn’t want to miss the chance! The solution to this
    problem is to grab and pack as many on-the-go hijabs in your luggage. You will thank
    this on-the-go piece as it will help a lot while travelling especially when you want to
    refresh yourself and perform solah in the midst of your itinerary.
  3. Less is more
    You would want to bring hijabs with less pins needed, trust me. First, of course, a box of
    pins will spare some space in your luggage. Second, less pins on your head will provide
    more comfy moments in your travelling journey. No doubt.
  4. Easy-peasy
    The most important thing while travelling other than appreciating the beauty of the place
    we visited is, OOTD! Bring a hijab that is easy to drape but still presentable with your
    OOTD outfits. Kill two birds with one stone, why not? You get to dress effortlessly and
    get a pretty OOTD pictures for your gram!
  5. One is for all
    Bring with you the hijabs that can match with all outfits and all type of activities. The
    materials and the colours of the hijabs play a very important role in this discussion.
    Earthy colours will of course be on top of the list as they can match with all colours of
    your outfits. Well, the material; a less hassle and a cozy material hijab will make you
    smile from ears to ears while travelling and you will definitely enjoy your vacation to the

Love, Ayn Ann

Introducing TC Hijra Instant. A new collection that will be your
travelling buddy. It was made of moss crepe, a fabric that is comfortable to wear which will
provide you with unforgettable travelling moments with less fuss. TC Hijra Instant is not just
a typical instant hijab, it was designed as a semi-instant hijab where you can drape it as you
like. Grab your new travel buddy now and you will never regret it! Shop here

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